LEED/Green Globes Third-Party Green Building Certifications
GRN Vision certifies buildings through Green Globes, LEED and other third-party certification programs. The benefits to the building owner are lower operating costs and happier, more productive workers and tenants.
LEED and Green Globes are third-party certifications that bring awareness to the design and construction of buildings with the health of humans and the environment in mind. The process of certifying a building works best when all project team members are involved from the beginning, this is known as the integrative design process. GRN Vision is involved from the design conception all the way through building occupancy.
With 12 months of energy and water data, existing building can also be certified as well. Through the process of information gathering, GRN Vision collaborates with facilities and management to implement best practices.
Sustainability Inventories & Programs
GRN Vision specializes in performing sustainability inventories. This is an audit of all departments reviewing practices and future opportunities, then comparing best practices within the industry or niche. The purpose is to find the ways in which a company is already performing at a high level of sustainability, and the areas in which it could improve. This can range from food waste to energy efficiencies.
If obtaining a Green Building Certification is not the goal of your organization or project, GRN Vision also offers programming to help your team reach the level of desired sustainability. Examples of this work include but are not limited to:
- Identifying cost effective measure
- Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) or Basis of Design (BOD) specific to the project
- Sustainability Specifications for Architecture documents to meet OPR
- Updating Building Systems and implementing innovative sustainable technology
- Updating operations and maintenance manuals and staff training procedures
Coming up with a sustainability plan is unique to each individual project. GRN Vision puts time and effort into understanding the goals and needs of your team and is happy to collaborate at any point in time.
With 12 months of energy and water data, existing building can also be certified as well. Through the process of information gathering, GRN Vision collaborates with facilities and management to implement best practices.
Why Green Buildings?
A healthy city offers more than just meeting the minimum EPA pollution levels and looking stylish. According to the United Nations Cities Alliance, livable cities and urban centers must be, “socially equitable, economically successful and environmentally sustainable if [they] are indeed to be the home of humanity’s future.” A healthy city must be a place that allows all its citizens to live, grow and thrive equally and provides a high quality of life that does not benefit one group at the expense of another.
The environmental effects of climate change significantly reduce the quality of life for all citizens. In cities like Las Vegas, low-income citizens are disproportionately affected by conditions such as extreme heat, or the ‘heat island’ effect. The hottest areas in this metropolitan area are home to some of the lowest income areas and include vulnerable populations that lack access to adequate housing and affordable transportation. In 2019 it was reported that Las Vegas was the fastest warming city in the US and that inner-city temperatures were nearly 7 degrees hotter than they were in suburban areas.
When a city’s vulnerable population faces deteriorating living conditions and health, the entire population sees rises in societal costs that are borne by taxpayers. Transforming our cities to be more sustainable and livable by reducing inequities like this truly benefits all citizens. Designing and retrofitting green buildings is a step towards achieving the new vision.
The mission of GRN Vision is to positively impact our clients, communities and the planet.

Dave Ray, Principal

Rick Van Diepen, Principal

Rick Van Diepen, Principal
GRN Vision Core Services – Capabilities
- Green Building Certifications: LEED, Energy Star, Living Building Challenge, Net Zero Energy, WELL Building Standard, Green Globes, ISO14001
- Sustainability Program Development and Performance Assessments
- Deep Energy Retrofits and Energy Star Certification.
- Federal Sustainable Building Certification and Guiding Principles Compliance
- Program Management, Owner and Agency Project Criteria Development including LEED New Construction and/or Existing Buildings Integrative Process Plan Optimization
- Facilitated Integrative Process Project Delivery Consultation
- Project Management and Sustainable Project Validation and Oversight
- Comprehensive Materials Transparency Research, Audits and Validations utilizing Declare, Health Product Declaration Collaborative (HPD) and Pharos programs
- Comprehensive Investment Grade Energy Audits and Benchmarking utilizing Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices – Planning, Documentation, and Opportunities Assessments
- Performance Contract 3rd Party Oversight and Verifications for Financial Institution and Governmental Entity Compliance
- Green Building training, In-House Seminars and Continuing Education
- Green House Gases (GHG) / Carbon Reduction Plans and Program Administration
- Alternative Energy, Renewable Energy, Net Zero Energy Solutions, Energy Storage Solutions, Decentralized Energy Procurement Plans, Agreements and Investment Multi-Factor Viability Analysis
Sustainability Program Development – Management including:
- Resource (Water, Energy and any other Resource) Conservation Policy Development
- Development of Owner’s Project Requirements and Basis of Design Documents
- Building Exterior, Site and Hardscape Management Policy Development
- Integrated Pest Management, Erosion Control, and Landscape Management Policy Development
- Building and Site Heat Island Effect Mitigation Policy Development
- Commissioning, Retro-Commissioning, M&V Plans, Energy Modeling, Analysis and Improvement Implementation
- Tax Rebate and Regulatory Agency Incentive Submissions, and Compliance Administration
- Building Operating Protocols Inclusive of Systems Narratives, Sequence of Operations and Facility Maintenance Policy Development complying with the most stringent O&M Plan Requirements
- Construction Waste Management Planning, Recycling Plans
- Sustainable Purchasing Policy Development
- Solid Waste Management Policy Development
- Green Cleaning Policy Development with Facility Specific Training Program Development
- Indoor Air Quality Optimization Policy Development including Construction Specific IAQ Plans and Ongoing Facility Operations IAQ Optimization

USGBC Faculty is a global network of credible, qualified instructors, teachers and facilitators with deep expertise in and passion for sustainability that cuts across sectors, cultures and geographies. For more than a decade, USGBC Faculty members have played a leading role in our movement to enhance the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated. Their deep expertise on a broad range of sustainability themes— from rating systems to real estate— makes them highly sought after presenters of both information and inspiration.

ENERGY STAR service and product provider (SPP) partners are companies that assist commercial buildings with running more efficiently by helping clients with benchmarking energy performance, improving efficiency, and earning recognition.
To partner with ENERGY STAR, a company must demonstrate a minimum level of past and ongoing experience working with Portfolio Manager and earning ENERGY STAR certification for their client buildings.

The WELL Accredited Professional (WELL AP) credential denotes expertise in the WELL Building StandardTM and a commitment to advancing human health and wellness in buildings and communities.

The Guiding Principles Compliance Assessment Program, offered by the Green Building Initiative, is the first third-party assessment and rating program designed specifically for federal agencies to assess compliance with the federal Guiding Principles.

Trained specifically in the Green Globes® building assessment and certification process, certified GGPs are qualified industry professionals ready to share their insights. Professionals seeking the GGP designation need at least five years of experience in the design and construction phases of green buildings in the commercial, educational, industrial or healthcare sectors.

Organizations that demonstrate and maintain high-quality project submissions through LEED Proven Provider receive benefits, such as greater access to a LEED reviewer and recognition from USGBC for their sustained track record of high-quality project submissions.